

School Logo

Shipham Church of England First School

Wraparound Provision

We run a breakfast club every morning from 8am and a variety of after-school clubs running from 3.15pm - 5.15pm on Monday to Thursday every week. Wrap around care is a vital part of school life and offers children a variety of experiences whilst providing parents the flexibility with their own work commitments. 




Breakfast Club

Monday - Friday (8am - 8.45am)

Cost: £4.69 (from Jan 2025)

Minimum age: 3


Breakfast Club is open to all children aged 3 and over attending Shipham Pre-School and Shipham First School. They are given a healthy breakfast and take part in a range of calm activities to prepare them for the school day. At 9am, a member of staff accompanies any Pre-School children to their classroom.


After-School Club

Monday - Thursday (3.15pm - collection 4.15pm or 5.15pm) (please note NOT on Fridays)

Cost: £6.25 per hour (from Jan 2025)

Reception-Year 4 only


We run an after-school club for School Children based in the Library, Hall and, as much as possible outside. We run a range of activities including sports, crafts, board games, construction toys and maybe a little TV downtime. We always provide a snack of a biscuit or fruit.



Additional After School Options until Christmas 2024

Please ask for more details of the following:


Science Club (Year 1 and 2)

Tuesday 3.15-pm-4.15pm


Hockey Club (Reception-y4)
Wednesday 3.15pm-4.15pm


French Club (Reception - year 2)

Thursday 3.15pm-4.15pm


Green Club (Year 4)

Thursday 3.15pm-4.15pm

Year 4 children can join the School’s Green Club. They look after our chickens and ducks and grow fruit and vegetables in raised beds throughout the school grounds and in their polytunnel, as well as visiting local woods and farms. Green Club is run by Mrs Leader on a Thursday. Details will be sent to year 4 pupils at the start of the year.





Our wraparound care policy can be found on our policies page.
