Friends of Shipham School (FOSS) is a voluntary, informal committee of parents that fundraises on behalf of Shipham First School and Pre-School and organises events to bring families of children at the School and the wider community together.
From School Film Club to the Summer Fete and Christmas Wreath workshops, FOSS is the driving force behind projects big and small and is often at the heart of Shipham’s busy social calendar!
Upcoming Events
Sunday 29th September 2024 Shipham Sponsored Walk
Friday 6th December 2024 Wreath Making Workshop, Shipham Village Hall
Recent Fundraising
May 2023
- Race Night: total to follow
- Year 2 Cake Sale: £91
- Coronation Party Pimms and Cream Teas £740
March 2023
- Year 3 Cake Sale: £86
- Easter Fun and Tombola: £80
We are also very grateful to the following local businesses for their recent support and donations:
Ian Studley Cars
Kings Leisure Centre Cheddar
Arthur David
Current FOSS Members 2022/2023
Tor Warr
Julie Fitzpatrick
Kate Stead
Alice Pingstone
Kirsty Youde
If you would like to join or assist in any way, please speak to any of the current FOSS members via friendsofshiphamschools@gmail.com or Mrs Macleod in the school office.