Magnificent Monarchs
Summer Term 5 and 6
What will we be learning about?
- The English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day (timelines)
- Researching the six significant monarchs; Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, Elizabeth II.
- The coronation of King Charles III
- The feudal system
- Exploring a range of royal palaces
- Royal portraiture and its significance, creating our own regal portraits.
- Animal survival- using our understanding of the needs of animals to enhance our beautiful school grounds to encourage more wildlife to visit.
- Sewing- creating our own bag tags
Our writing focus
We'll be using the book 'King Charles III' and our internet research as a basis for gaining knowledge about King Charles, ready to write our own fact files about him. In preparation for our celebrations for the coronation, we'll be writing our own banquet menus, taking inspiration from Marks and Spencer's food adverts! Following this, we'll share the book 'The Pea and the Princess' by Mini Grey and rewrite it using our own vegetable of choice.
In term 6, we'll be welcoming butterflies into our classroom. Together we will study their growth and life cycle. From this, we'll use our real life experience and research to write information texts about The Monarch Butterfly.
Some of our class texts include: