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Shipham Church of England First School

Spring Term


Spring Term 3 and 4

What will we be learning about?


  • What is a 'coastline'?
  • What are the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom?
  • Exploring Weston-super-Mare as our local coastal town- a visit to Weston Museum and Weston Seafront
  • Water safety with a visit from the RNLI
  • Taking care of our coastline
  • Uses of different materials- designing and building our own kites to fly on our visit to Weston-super-Mare
  • Plant survival
  • Flowers- combining science and art to create our own clay flower model

Our writing focus


We'll be using the book 'Flotsam' as a stimulus for our descriptive writing. From this, we'll write setting and sea creature descriptions. We'll then invent our own mythical sea creatures and write about their underwater habitats. Following our visit from the RNLI, we'll use the story of Grace Darling as inspiration for creating and writing our own 'sea-rescue' adventure narratives. In preparation for our trip, we'll be writing about Weston-super-Mare 'then' using the past tense and 'now', using the present tense.


Some of our class texts include:

Coastline curriculum map and homework grid
